Secure Payments

Powered by Ezidebit, you can put your trust in Sentral's security & compliance

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Secure Payments

Powered by Ezidebit, you can put your trust in Sentral's security & compliance

100% digital automation bringing trust and security to every school payment

Sentral Icon - Tick inside a circle


Our automated facility means making multiple and recurring payments easy. Plus, your data is saved avoiding the need to re-enter your information.
Central icon with two people


All your fee payments and billing are in one place, meaning visibility across your transactions is easy.
Continiuum icon


Being powered by Ezidebit means all financial transactions are secure and compliant to the highest standards.

Sentral helps you to stay connected anywhere, on any device

Sentral for Parents App

 The Sentral for Parents app is designed to help you monitor your childs school journey simply and efficiently. There’s plenty of smart features to help streamline your day by keeping communication lines between parents and teachers open, timely and on-going.

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Parents Portal

The Sentral Parent Portal provides a comprehensive online desktop environment for parents to keep in touch with their children’s life at school. It is the backbone of the Sentral for Parents mobile app.


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Sentral for Parents App phone features

Download the Sentral for Parents App

The Sentral for Parents app allows you to monitor your child’s school journey simply and efficiently. You will find numerous smart features that help streamline your day. Receive messages and notifications from teachers, report absences, make payments for school activities and more. The Sentral for Parents app helps you stay connected and informed about your child’s education.

Sentral for Parents app features

Sentral Newsfeed and daily notices icon

Newsfeed and Daily Notices

Receive newsfeed and daily notices about important events that relate to your child.
Sentral Messaging icon

2-way messaging

Communicate directly with your child’s teacher in the app via 2-way messaging. View, download and upload documents.
Sentral Absence Notifications icon

Absence notifications

Send absence notifications to the school quickly and easily from within the app.
Sentral Calendar Icon


View calendar items to stay up to date with school events.
Sentral Interview icon


Conveniently view parent teacher interview bookings.
Sentral Credit Card Payment icon


View and make payments for school fees, excursions and more.

Case Studies

"Our decision to choose Sentral was driven by the one-stop-shop solution it offers to our schools."

Doug Austing District Principal (NSW) & National Digital Systems Manager - OneSchool Global Doug Austing

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John Doe Author Title John Doe

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed cursus turpis feugiat faucibus dignissim. Aenean quis luctus neque. Morbi pellentesque vitae elit sit amet euismod. Vivamus tincidunt pulvinar nunc, ut porttitor elit ultrices a"

John Doe Author Title John Doe
Sentral for Parents Platform computer view frame-2

Parent Portal

  • The Sentral Parent Portal provides a comprehensive online environment for parents to keep in touch with their children’s life at school. It is the backbone of the Sentral for Parents app providing both a desktop and fully mobile solution.
  • Parents can stay fully informed through convenient communication tools such as the newsfeed, daily notices and calendar. 2-way messaging between parents and teachers is easily managed. Parents can conveniently view parent teacher interview bookings.
  • The secure payment gateway enables schools to send payment requests and for parents to make payments directly via the portal. This reduces manual handling of payments and offers significant benefits including scheduled payments and direct debit.

Sentral Parent Portal features

Sentral Push Notification icon

Push Notification

Send instant push notifications to parents to notify them of a new message from school.
Sentral Payment Gateway icon

Payment Gateway

Receive payments and record them. Eliminate manual handling of payments and increase payment convenience for parents.
Sentral instant Messaging icon

Instant Messaging

Communicate swiftly and easily. All communication with parents is recorded for monitoring.
Homework Management Computer icon

Homework Management

Let parents know what needs to be done, when.

Secure & supportive are Sentral mandates

Sentral safe and secure platform icon

Safe & secure

Privacy & security come as standard with Sentral. With sensitive, school, student and parent data being held in our system, you can be confident that all compliance standards are met.

  • The Sentral cloud-based platform is powered by the globally-trusted expertise of Microsoft Azure
  • Sentral is ISO 27001 certified - meeting the highest international standard of information security management systems
  • Our payment solution is financially-compliant and PCI DSS Level 1 certified
  • Audited and compliant with government security requirements
Sentral onboarding and training icon

Onboarding that’s tailored to you

Sentral understands every school is different, with varying needs and wants. Don’t get overwhelmed - let Sentral’s professional team guide you to the most appropriate solution.

  • Access to a relationship manager to help onboard your school for success.
  • Ongoing training of school staff can be provided onsite or remotely
  • Sentral provides comprehensive online & printed guides to the platform, and video tutorials
  • Sentral has an Australian based support call centre to ensure you’re catered for wherever you may be located across Australia
Sentral for parents App icon

Download the Parents app

The Sentral for Parents app helps you stay connected and informed about your child’s education.